Return Policy

  1. You have 30 days from the shipping date of your order to return your purchase from Mogulzone free of charge.
  2. You can change the size or colour of your items. If you prefer to exchange it for another item, you must ask for a return and make a new purchase.
  3. You MUST have the original order number in order to log a request for return.
  4. Mogulzone will NOT accept returns of used or badly damaged products upon acceptance by the purchaser.
  5. The purchaser MUST has 3 days from date of delivery to report a damaged product, which can also be sent through via images to the dedicated returns email, number, inbox etc.
  6. Steps to return the products:
    1. Send Whatsapp to the dedicated Returns Number, include your Order Number on your message.
    2. Send an email to the dedicated Returns email address, include your Order Number on your message.
  • Send Inbox message to the dedicated Mogulzone social media accounts, include your Order Number on your message.